22 februari 2013

Ghost World.

 What is the purpose of the bus stop and the character Norman?
Norman is waiting for the bus (which are inoperable) every single day and finally the bus appear. I think that you can trust no one! You think you know where you have someone but one day, the person is gone.
Or, that you don't have to wait forever. The bus came at least and Norman discover new adventures.

 Is Ghost world a comedy? How is this film different from comedies that you are accustomed to viewing?
Not really. It's more like hidden humor. You have to think for a while and then you get it. The movies I like to see in the genre comedy it's more like they say something crystal clear or falling suddenly or something like this. Maybe a little bit "thinking-humor" but I prefer jokes that I get more directly.

What do you think the title Ghost World means?

I don't know? maybe that the world they live in (and always has been living in) is not the world they envisioned. They think that they know everything and then they ended high school and have a summer to find a job and a appartment, perhaps. The world they live in are a little bit spooky on any terms. I can't really explain it.

25 januari 2013

Fagin - the Jew

If Fagin would be called the Jew in a book today I think that it would be more discussion about that. It was more gaps between the religion-groups, like Muslims, Jews, and Christians and so on in older days. The other religions were nothing they talked about with respect and Jews were like the offers for society. But today, we talk about racism, Nazism and so on with a bigger respect. If you call a black girl ugly you are racist and because of the immigration, the question about none-Swedish people has been more important. So also I think that if Charles Dickens had written the book today, he would be called a Racist. The world is more developed now and the world is more global, we do have to respect everyone and if you by mistake say something bad about a none-Swedish guy, you’ll be stamped like a Racist. Sad but true.